Friday, July 25, 2008


Okay so its 3 days since IUI and I POAS tonight to see if I still had HCG in my system. Only got one line. This seems early since I have read (somewhere) online that it can take up to 10 days. I guess its not that bad since its 5 days from the trigger. I keep forgetting to take my second dose of the progesterone suppositories. Tonight I finally got in my second dose. I am worried that this cycle is not going to work due to my stress level again. It seems that all hell always breaks loose the week of my IUI. It NEVER fails. So looks like I am almost one week down of my 2ww. (at least the way i am thinking bc I usually get AF day 9 or 10dpiui, so that would be next thursday/friday spotting). So next friday we'll see if AF rears her ugly head.

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