Tuesday, July 22, 2008

2nd day of IUI

So IUI #2 of #4 was completed today. 20 million with 98%motility. yesterday was 15 million with 97% motility.. and only one follie. Hopefully this will be enough. I did the Ovidrel trigger at 6:15Pm. Also I should note that I might have messed up the last cycle b/c I took my ovidrel and another dose of Folistim the night before the IUI. This time when I received my phone call I asked if I was suppose to do my Ovidrel and my Follistim or just my Ovidrel. The nurse was very nice and was like "Noooooo, only the Ovidrel". So I am guessing that this was a No-No. So this time I only did the Ovidrel. LOL.
I test on August 5th so I am officially in the 2ww. I also was wondering if the Ovidrel even worked in me and wondered what a BFP looked like so tonight I came home and POAS and it didnt change for like EVER. I threw it away, came back and happened to look at it and it was BFP. So for whatever it was worth it made me happy to know at least my body is capable of carrying any amount of HCG. I know this sounds crazy but it makes me feel better for some reason.

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