Sunday, June 29, 2008

IUI #3 in process

DH and I got to the dr's late today.. he proceeded back to "the room". Gave his specimen, collected me from the waiting room and we went to a restaurant close by for breakfast. Of course as I'm eating my eggs I am wondering about how many sperm just might be getting "washed". Half an hour later we finished up, returned to the doctors office and waited. The wait was not that long today (last time we waited for quite some time)--in fact not long at all. DH and I proceeded to examination room #1 and I promptly assumed the position. Another doctor is covering for my doctor, however, he was super nice and very gentle. he also took time before the IUI and explained the number of sperm (i forget) and the motility was only 37% and the sperm injected after was a little over 10 million. This was the first time that anyone has given us the pre and post numbers. DH and I both really liked this. He also was very gentle with the procedure and had to first switch speculums (sp?) to get a better view and then was going to switch the catheter but then he was able to get through my cervix. Waited our 15 minutes and we made the trek home. I went straight to bed and slept for a few hours. I got up later and worked on my school paper from 2-11:30PM. Sitting in bed now and ready for the next IUI tomorrow morning.
P.S. DH and I both talked for a little before bed tonight and both wandered if the last IUI did not work last time because we dont think the last doctor took the time to get through my cervix. I was super sick when I came home last time and it was horribly painful.

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